Tuesday, 7 December 2010

निंदा व संवेदना : वाराणसी आतंकी हमले की || Terrorist Attack At Varanasi on 07-12-2010

निंदा व संवेदना
Kashi Sai Foundation Society, वाराणसी के प्राचीन शीतला घाट पर आज तिथि 07-12-2010 को शाम 06:35 बजे पर हुए बम बलास्ट (आतंकी हमले) की घनघोर निंदा करती है और मृतकों व घायलों के प्रति अपनी संवेदना प्रकट करती है समिति वाराणसी के सभी सम्मानित नागरिकों से यह निवेदन करती है कि शहर की शांति व्यवस्था को बनाये रखे और किसी भी अफवाह पर ध्यान न दें

It has been reported that more than 25 people were injured in blast at Varanasi, at the Dashashwamedh Ghat, during the Ganga aarti prayers around 6:30 pm on Tuesday. According to the reports, many others were injured in the consequent stampede to the blast in Varanasi.According to the official sources, the injured people include four foreigners and an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) has been found from the dustbin at the site of Varanasi blast. The Ganga aarti, which extends across the Shitala, Dashashwamedh and Prayag ghats, is a daily prayer ritual, which is attended by a huge number of approximately 2,000 to 3,000 people, which include a lot of foreigners. The ghats, which are the majorly affected areas of blast in Varanasi, are near the well-known Vishwanath temple.The deadly blast in Varanasi that occurred on the stairs of Dashashwamedh ghat was so powerful that huge stones on the stairs were thrown many meters away. However, the police have yet not confirmed that reports of people dying in the terrible incident of blast in Varanasi.

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