Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Vivekananda Quote - 4

There are many things to be done, but means are wanting in this country [India].We have brains but no hands. We have the doctrine of Vedanta, but we have not thepower to put it into practice. In our books there is the doctrine of universal equality,but in work we make great distinctions. It was in India that unselfish and disinterested work of the most exalted type was preached, but in practice we are awfully cruel, awfully heartless--unable to think of anything besides our own mass-of-flesh bodies.

Letter to Sarala Ghoshal, Editor of Bharati. Written from Darjeeling on April 6, 1897. Complete Works,5.126-27.

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चंद्रशेखर आज़ाद के अंतिम संस्कार के बारे में जानने के लिए उनके बनारस के रिश्तेदार श्री शिवविनायक मिश्रा द्वारा दिया गया वर्णन पढ़ना समीचीन होगा:-

उनके शब्दों में—“आज़ाद के अल्फ्रेड पार्क में शहीद होने के बाद इलाहाबाद के गांधी आश्रम के एक स...